About the company

Geodeticka kancelar Nedoma & Reznik, s.r.o.

Company registered office (invoicing data) and permanent workplace (office):

Geodeticka kancelar Nedoma & Reznik, s.r.o.
Plukovnika Mraze 1425/1
102 00  Praha 10
Czech Republic
ID: 26695103, VAT ID: CZ26695103
The company is entered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, Insert 87873

Permanent workplace (office):

The company has 45 employees; less than a half of them with professionally oriented university degrees (8 of them with the UOZI authorisation), the remaining employees have professionally oriented secondary technical education.
The company is a member of the Czech Chamber of Surveyors and Cartographers.

Brief company history

  • 1991 – establishment of the company
  • 1994 – relocation to larger premises in Kodanska Street, Prague 10
  • 2002 – change in the legal status into a limited liability company and obtaining the ISO 9001 certification
  • 2003 – relocation to newly built company-owned offices in Plukovnika Mraze Street, Prague 15
  • 2006 – obtaining ISO 14001 certification
  • 2007 – construction of another two storeys due to company expansion


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